Marketing Your Freelance Business like the Boss You Are

Présentateur:   Suzy Bills

Durée:   45 minutes

Langue:   English

Niveau:   Introductory

Type:   Informational

Prix membre:   $33

Prix non membre:   $55

Marketing is vital to building and maintaining a business, but many freelancers don’t know where to start, what strategies are most effective, and how to avoid sounding salesy. In this webinar, we’ll discuss effective strategies for finding and connecting with your ideal clients. We’ll also discuss techniques for positioning yourself as the best choice so that you can win more projects and achieve your financial goals.



Photo de Suzy Bills

Suzy Bills is an editor, author, and faculty member in the editing and publishing program at BYU. She’s owned a writing and editing business since 2006, working with clients to publish everything from books to dissertations to technical manuals. She loves sharing her skills with others, whether through teaching, helping authors get their thoughts on paper, or fine-tuning their writing. Her book The Freelance Editor’s Handbook was published in 2021.

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