Proofreading for Businesses and Ad Agencies

Présentateur: Sharon McInnis

Début du webinaire:   novembre 6, 2024 1:00 pm

Time:   1 PM ET

Durée:   1 heure

Langue:   Anglais

Niveau:   Introductif

Type:   Informatif

Prix membre:   $42

Prix non membre:   $70

Proofreading for businesses and ad agencies can be a lucrative field for a keen-eyed proofreader. But how does corporate proofreading differ from traditional proofreading? First, although many businesses and ad agencies use experienced writers for marketing materials, they don’t often hire editors or fact-checkers. This means that, if you are a corporate proofreader, you are also a fact-checker, and you are often the last line of defense. Then, once you build a client base, your style resources need to be current and complete, as you’ll likely find yourself reviewing materials for a wide range of companies and industries. And your markup of the materials—whether using Word, Google Docs, Acrobat or InDesign—needs to gel with the workflow of the business or ad agency. Learn how to manage all this (and get some tips and tricks) from ProofingQueen, who has 20+ years of experience working with a wide range of businesses and ad agencies.


Sharon McInnis

Sharon McInnis headshot.

Sharon McInnis, also known as the ProofingQueen, has been a professional proofreader and fact-checker for 20+ years. Her client list includes dozens of corporations (including a leading mining company, Canada’s largest port, and one of the world’s largest ferry operators) along with advertising agencies, PR firms, and many marketing and communications companies. In her spare time, Sharon is an amateur jazz vocalist.

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