Engineering Your Networking Experiences

Présentateur: Kelly Schrank

Début du webinaire:   octobre 10, 2024 1:00 pm

Time:   1 PM ET

Durée:   1 heure

Langue:   Anglais

Niveau:   Introductif

Type:   Informatif

Prix membre:   $42

Prix non membre:   $70

As professional communicators, we are adept at researching, planning documents and crafting our words to communicate effectively. So why don’t we use these skills when attending events where there will be opportunities to network? Come to this webinar to gain a new perspective on networking, use your skills to make the most out of the networking opportunities and learn tactics for engineering your own networking experiences for maximum effectiveness and enjoyment. This session will provide advice and experience from an introvert who has researched this topic, used these tactics and enjoyed (almost) every minute of it! Advice will be applicable to both in-person and virtual events.


Kelly Schrank

Kelly Schrank headshot.

Kelly Schrank, MA, ELS, has been a technical editor for almost 30 years. She has been a medical editor in the pharmaceutical industry for the last 14 years, and she continues to freelance through her business, Bookworm Editing Services. Kelly is an Associate Fellow of STC and a BELS-certified Editor in the Life Sciences. She has presented on checklists, editing, infographics, Microsoft products, side gigs and networking in webinars and at conferences.

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