Generative AI for editors: Friend, foe, or flunky?

Présentateur: Catie Phares

Début du webinaire:   27 mars 2025 à 13 h 00

Time:   13h HE

Durée:   1 heure

Langue:   Anglais

Niveau:   Intermédiaire

Type:   Informatif

Prix membre:   $42

Prix non membre:   $70

It’s increasingly clear that generative AI can’t replace gifted human editors. But can it help us with our work? If so, how—and at what cost? Join academic editor Catie Phares as she endeavours to answer these questions. This webinar covers Catie’s experiences of trying out various generative AI tools in her own established editing business. Those experiences fell into one of three categories: helpful, harmful, and conditional. Takeaways include how to use AI ethically and effectively as an editor, as well as sample prompts and guidelines. This follow-up session represents part two of Catie’s earlier webinar on AI, The Future of Editing: Leaning Into What AI Can’t Do.


Catie Phares headshot.

Catie Phares is the founder and head editor of CS Phares, which offers premium editing and writing resources for business academics. Her own scholarly background is in English (MPhil Cantab) and music, and her first editing jobs were for faculty at the Ivey Business School in her hometown of London, Ontario—an institution that she and her team are still proud to serve today, along with dozens of others in over 20 countries. Catie’s non-editing interests include baking, antiquing, ballet, murder mysteries, medieval literature and heavy metal. You can connect with her on LinkedIn or Facebook.

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